Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Quick Sale!

Are you a quick talker? Ever tried to make a quick buck? If you have ever wanted to be in theatre but just can't find the time - how about joining The Music Man cast as a salesman. We need 5 guys to play the jive talking salesman in the opening scene. This is a fun, fast paced bit that would require a few rehearsals but not everyday like the rest of the cast. Once a week and then homework, dress rehearsals and show nights. Think about how much fun you could have...not enough? Then think about how much we need you...not enough? How about $9.95...but wait - there's more! Your name in the program and if you have a business card, we will put a free ad in the program. Now what salesman can resist that! Give us a call and let's make this deal happen!

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